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VFR 500 Italy, North sheet (2024 edition) (preorder)

(Order No.: S1201016-24)

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To 19 €24.00 *
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From 50 €19.20 *

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From north to south, east to west or to neighbouring countries. The Aeronautical Chart VFR 500... more

From north to south, east to west or to neighbouring countries.

The Aeronautical Chart VFR 500 is the first aeronautical chart for other European countries which corresponds in quality and design to the Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500,000 and is therefore the optimal chart for VFR flights to neighbouring countries. Due to the selected sheet layout, each neighbouring country is extensively illustrated on the country editions.

The VFR 500 contains the latest and currently valid topography and air traffic control information such as

VFR reporting points
Airfields with name, location identifier and frequency as well as length and orientation of the runway
Information on the aerodrome circuit, display of aerodrome heights
FIS sectors with frequencies
Gliding areas, hang gliders and microlight aircraft areas, parachute jump areas and balloon launch sites
radio navigation equipment (NDB, VOR, VOR/DME, VORTAC) with name, frequency and Morse code identification
Aviation Obstacles and Maximum Elevation Figures
Motorway designations
Integrated coordinate ruler
The back of the card displays the following information:

ATIS and VOLMET frequencies
Semi-circular flight altitudes VFR and VFR remote control
Information on the altimeter setting
Light signals
The V500 cards are available in the following country editions:

France NE
Austria and Austria Gliding
Poland NE, NW, SE, SW

Ausgabe / Auflage / Jahr: 2024
Flight rule: VFR
Manufacturer / Publisher: R. Eisenschmidt GmbH
Country / Continent: Italy/Malta
Scale: 1:500.000
Medium: Paper / Book / Magazine
Sport: Engine powered flight
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