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An Aviator's Field Guide to Middle-Altitude Flying An Aviator's Field Guide to Middle-Altitude Flying
Practical skills and tips for flying between 10,000 and 25,000 feet MSL.
12,95 € *
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - Low Wing Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - For Low Wing Aircraft (5th edition)
Traditionally known as the "red maneuvers book," this handbook complies with current FAA test standards and regulations.
ab 23,90 € *
Aviation Mechanic Handbook (8th Edition) Aviation Mechanic Handbook (8th Edition)
Handy toolbox-size reference for professionals and hobbyists. Provides conversions, formulas, densities, solid state electronics, and more.
ab 24,95 € *
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2023 Release) Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2023 Release)
Important FAA Handbook includes principles of flight, airplanes and engines, performance, weather, navigation, and more. (FAA-H-8083-25C)
ab 32,95 € *
Notes of a Seaplane Instructor Notes of a Seaplane Instructor
"Dieses Buch ist voller hart erarbeiteter Kenntnisse, von denen alle WasserflugzeugpilotInnen, ob AnfängerIn oder Veteran, lernen können. Ich wünschte, ich hätte dieses Buch schon damals gehabt, als ich lernte, Wasserflugzeuge zu...
ab 19,95 € *
The Complete Multi-Engine Pilot (Fifth Edition) The Complete Multi-Engine Pilot (Fifth Edition)
The essentials of a complete multi-engine training program with study questions, written exam, and syllabus. Covers the aerodynamic fundamentals that govern multi-engine flight.
ab 22,90 € *
ICAO Aircraft Type Designator (DOC 8643) ICAO Aircraft Type Designator (DOC 8643)
​ICAO Document 8643 This document contains designators for those aircraft types which are most commonly provided with air traffic service (ATS). It was originally prepared as a result of recommendations of the Rules of the Air and Air...
415,00 € *
FAR/AIM 2024 (Softcover) FAR/AIM 2024 (Softcover)
Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual. Rules and procedures for aviators including regulations pertinent to pilots, drone operators, and instructors.
29,95 € *
Flugbuch für Kinder Flugbuch für Kinder
Reisetagebuch für Kinder 28 Seiten für 14 Reisen oder 14 Flüge, zum Malen, Kritzeln, Reinschreiben, Erinnern! Mit Flieger-Alphabet Die Autorin Judith Spörl, genannt "Tante JU" ist Fluglotsin bei Austrocontrol und auf dem Salzurger Tower...
12,50 € *
Aviation Weather Aviation Weather
Vierte Auflage des farbigsten und anschaulichsten Wetterbuches, das zurzeit erhältlich ist. Mit über 500 Abbildungen und Illustrationen für Flugschüler und erfahrene Piloten gedacht.
89,50 € *
Takeoffs and Landings Takeoffs and Landings
Leighton Collins' aviation classic provides expert, flight-tested techniques pilots need to takeoff and land safely, skillfully, every time.
ab 21,50 € *
Caravan Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with Wings ASA-CARAVAN 9781560276821 Caravan: Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with Wings!
Begleiten Sie die Autoren J.D. Lewis und LeRoy Cook bei einer Erforschung der unglaublichen Cessna Caravan.
ab 19,80 € *
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