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ASA: Checklist for Success (7th Edition) ASA: Checklist for Success (7th Edition)
Even with a wealth of technical experience, many pilots find the pilot selection process frustrating. In addition to technical experience today’s airline pilot must also demonstrate highly developed leadership, decision-making and...
ab 23,80 € *
Faszination Gebirgssegelflug Faszination Gebirgssegelflug
Dieser Band ist kein trockenes Lehrbuch, sondern vermittelt die Faszination des Segel- und Gebirgssegelflugs auch Menschen, die sich vielleicht zunächst nur für die Segelfliegerei interessieren.
29,90 € *
Segeln über den Alpen Segeln über den Alpen
Jochen von Kalckreuth vermittelt in diesem Band grundlegende und nach wie vor gültige Techniken, die in dieser Umgebung für den Segelflieger unerlässlich sind. Das Buch zählt zu den Klassikern der Segelflugliteratur.
19,95 € *
Aviation Mechanic Oral & Practical Exam Guide (4th Edition) Aviation Mechanic Oral & Practical Exam Guide (4th Edition)
This book prepares Aviation Mechanic students for the general, airframe, and powerplant oral and practical exams, the final step in the Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) certification process.
ab 19,95 € *
Risk Management Handbook 2A Risk Management Handbook 2A
This FAA handbook provides tools to help pilots determine and assess each situation for the safest possible flight with the least amount of risk. (FAA-H-8083-2A)
ab 19,95 € *
Aviation Mechanic Series: General (5th Edition) Aviation Mechanic Series: General (5th Edition)
Dale Crane's Aviation Mechanic Series is the essential resource to pass the FAA Knowledge Exams for Aviation Maintenance Technicians.
ab 79,95 € *
Pilots in Command - 3rd Edition Pilots in Command - 3rd Edition
Solid advice from real pilots to student and professional aviators alike about how to be true leaders.
ab 19,95 € *
The Droner's Manual (2nd edition) The Droner's Manual (2nd edition)
A Guide to the Responsible Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft
ab 24,95 € *
Beruf Pilot - Überarbeitete Auflage 2022 Beruf Pilot - Überarbeitete Auflage 2022
Alles wichtige über die Ausbildung zum Berufspiloten.
32,00 € *
Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: General (2023 Release) Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: General (2023 Release)
This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Mechanic certificate, General section. The FAA General test questions are drawn from this book. (FAA-H-8083-30B)
ab 47,00 € *
Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Airframe (2023 Release) Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Airframe (2023 Release)
This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Mechanic certificate, Airframe section. The FAA Airframe test questions are drawn from here. (FAA-H-8083-31B)
ab 89,95 € *
Pilot's Guide Series: Piper Tomahawk Pilot's Guide Series: Piper Tomahawk
Subjects covered in detail include an overall description of the aircraft, limitations, handling characteristics, and loading/performance data. All the information is gleaned from flying experiences by experts in the industry, and is...
ab 16,80 € *
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