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The Complete Multi-Engine Pilot (Fifth Edition)

(Artikel-Nr.: S5403034-5)

The Complete Multi-Engine Pilot (Fifth Edition)
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Pilots learning multi-engine flying have relied on this essential book for more than 20 years.... mehr

The essentials of a complete multi-engine training program with study questions, written exam, and syllabus. Covers the aerodynamic fundamentals that govern multi-engine flight.

Pilots learning multi-engine flying have relied on this essential book for more than 20 years. Learn fundamentals of flying multi-engine airplanes and the aerodynamic laws that govern multi-engine flight under Bob Gardner’s experienced and energetic tutoring. This fifth edition includes a new chapter on energy management and information on both obtaining the multi-engine rating and checking out in a new twin. An integrated flight and ground syllabus details the program for the rating and provides a sample written test, typical of the one used for new-aircraft checkouts. Also contains a complete library of FAA source material on multi-engine flight subjects. The Complete Pilot Series is designed for use in flight schools, for home study, and as a base for student kits.


From the Foreword by Barry Schiff: “By studying the principles Bob Gardner so eloquently discusses—and simplifies!—the challenging task of becoming a proficient and knowledgeable multi-engine pilot will become easier and more understandable.”


Download The Complete Multi-Engine Pilot Syllabus to use with The Complete Multi-Engine textbook.


Instructors: Additional training aids to support your use of this book in the classroom are available at


Also by Bob Gardner:



Buchart: eBook, Taschenbuch
Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
Medium: App / eBook / PDF, Papier / Buch / Zeitschrift
Sprache: englisch
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