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ICAO Document 9150 - Stolport Manual - 2nd Edition ICAO Document 9150 - Stolport Manual - 2nd Edition
Stolport Manual (Doc 9150) This manual provides guidance for the planning and establishment of stolports, unique airports designed to serve airplanes that have exceptional short-field performance capabilities. The material in this manual...
35,90 € *
ICAO Document 9426 - Air Traffic, 1st Edition ICAO Document 9426 - Air Traffic, 1st Edition
Air Traffic Services Planning Manual (Doc 9426), including Amendments 1-4 This manual consists of guidance material previously contained in Annex 11 and the PANS-ATM, and, consequently, supplements the provisions governing ATS as...
315,00 € *
ICAO Document 9554 - Manual Concerning Safety ICAO Document 9554 - Manual Concerning Safety
This document provides guidance material which is meant to assist States in providing for the safe and orderly flow of international air traffic in the event that military activities, which constitute potential hazards to civil aircraft,...
10,90 € *
ICAO Document 9803 - Line Operations Safety Audit ICAO Document 9803 - Line Operations Safety Audit
This manual presents basic information on the use of the Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA), an organizational strategy aimed at improving the management of human error and developing countermeasures to error in operational...
39,00 € *
ICAO Document 9830 - Advanced Surface Movement ICAO Document 9830 - Advanced Surface Movement
This manual provides an overview of the A-SMGCS operational requirements in order to facilitate implementation of various functions in a modular form depending on specific local aerodrome circumstances. Chapters 1 and 2 contain an...
59,50 € *
avi-law Luftrecht avi-law Luftrecht
Online-Datenbank Luftrecht
128,40 € *
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